Systems Integration

Our expertise is in delivering integration technology and advice for business, retail, hospitality, financial and healthcare systems, with strong focus on their connection to integration solutions. We work with businesses to align IT infrastructure with business systems that manages finance, payroll, CRM, CMS, ERP, etc.; and customer-transaction-based process systems. Our integration strategy covers-

· Software and connectivity components · Software applications and modules · Suites of applications for integrated business departments · Technical framework for enterprise integration · Services helping integrated plan and deployment of IT solution with third parties or partners .

Accenttech consultants provide credible information regarding any signs of a problem that might put your investment at risk. You may need to know whether the problems are related to administrative, personnel, financial, market or product difficulties and how the problems can be solved.

Accenttech advises clients, implements and supports customer care, financial, and strategic management software that facilitate the integration of data throughout the enterprise. We provide a full complement of network technologies as well as outsourcing services for managing business offices and information system operations.